Signs you’re forcing passion (and what to do instead)

Passion isn’t something you can force.
It’s something you can light.

And yet, how often do leaders unknowingly fall into the trap of trying to push passion onto their teams? The result is usually frustration, debates, and unnecessary friction.

Here are some common signs that you might be trying to force passion — and what you can do differently to light it instead.

1. You’re Micromanaging Every Detail
When you feel like you need to control everything, it sends a message: I don’t trust you to care as much as I do.

But passion thrives on ownership. Instead of hovering, ask: What do you need from me to make this your best work?

2. You’re Overloading the ‘Why’ Without Connecting to the ‘How’
You talk about the big picture, the company vision, or the noble goal. Over and over again. But your team still doesn’t seem inspired. Why?

Because you forgot to light the path. People need to see how their role fits into the bigger picture. Help them connect their how to the why.

3. You’re Ignoring What Already Lights Them Up
A leader who loves running marathons might expect everyone else to feel the same way. But what if your team loves riding bikes? Instead of pushing your passions onto others, take the time to ask:

  • What gets you excited?
  • What strengths do you love using in your work?

Then, create space for those passions to shine. Don’t persuade, resonate!

4. You’re Pushing Harder When Enthusiasm Drops
If someone isn’t showing excitement, it’s tempting to push harder. You add more deadlines, more incentives, more reminders.

But that leads to overwhelm, not passion. Instead, take a step back and ask: What’s getting in the way?

5. You’re Celebrating Outcomes, Not Efforts
When the only thing that gets noticed is the finish line, people lose their connection to the process. Passion is sparked when people feel seen for what they bring to the table every day — not just when the numbers look good.

Make it a point to celebrate:

  • Creative ideas.
  • Thoughtful questions.
  • The care and dedication someone puts into their work.

What Happens When You Light Passion

When you stop forcing passion and start lighting it, something shifts.
→ People bring their best not because they have to, but because they want to.
→ Teams work with dedication, not out of obligation.
→ Conversations obsess about getting it right, not being right.

Keep lighting the path!

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