Remote speaking takeaways

After a strange 2020 and lots of remote speaking, here are a few takeaways:

  • It’s still story first. A great story with low tech beats high tech with a poor story every single time.
  • Relevance wins. If you don’t manage to proove the relevance of your thoughts early on, people will just switch to YouTube or any other activity.
  • Audio beats video. Get a good microphone.
  • Lighting is key to good images. Get a decent light setup and even mediocre cameras will provide good image quality.
  • iPhones have exceptional video quality, especially the newest models.
  • Don’t let slides steal the show. Slides have never been the star of the show. But online, it’s much more dangerous because the default setting is that the slides take center stage. Either use a separate display that stands beneath you or put your image inside your slides using a green screen and software such as mmhmm, ecamm or OSB.
  • If you do the latter right and become part of the slides and interact with the content you can do much cooler things online than offline.

Excited to see how you’re going to make a difference in 2021.

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