The Bo & Luke Show with Robert Brabo and Luke Carignan: Communication Framework To Transform Your Leadership
Dr. Michael Gerharz helps leaders across the globe find the right words and make a bigger impact.
Michael earned his Ph.D. in Communication Systems during the mobile phone revolution, observing firsthand how brilliant ideas die when people fail or don’t care to communicate them properly. Seeing these missed opportunities, he decided to do something about it, launched his blog, and carved a career path dedicated to mastering and teaching the art of communication.
Today, Michael helps leaders across the globe communicate with irresistible clarity so their ideas can make the impact they deserve. He guides clients to find words they truly believe in about the things they deeply care about, and his insights and strategies have transformed communication practices in numerous organizations, making him a sought-after expert in the field.
His first book, The AHA Effect, is a heartfelt call for audience-focused communication. Too many communicators are in it for the applause rather than the impact. But what use is a great show or fancy wording when it doesn’t change your audience’s mind? The aha effect beats the wow effect every single time, and this book shows you how to achieve and lead your own audiences to insight.
He is also the author of the Leaders Light the Path Manifesto and writes the blog The Art of Communicating, where leaders from around the world access daily thoughts that help them find the right words. His podcast, Irresistible Communication, is listened to in 90+ countries.
A passionate guitarist, Michael works at the intersection of highly structured thinking and the pure joy of creative expression.
You can find out more about his services at
Dr. Michael Gerharz leverages his extensive experience in global leadership consultancy to deliver this essential read. He’s the author of The Aha-Effect, the Leaders Light the Path Manifesto, and The Art of Communicating blog where leaders from around the world access daily thoughts that help them find the right words.
office: +49 (2241) 8997777
mobile: +49 (151) 15681014