Play by the Rules, Lose by the Rules

A football team that just stands there, waiting for the ball, is technically playing by the rules.

But of course, they’ll lose.

A tennis player who only returns easy shots but never runs for the tough ones? Same story.

Winning takes more than just following the rules.

That’s why good coaches push their players to stretch, go for every ball, never let an opportunity slip, and dare to take the bold shots.

But what’s obvious in sports is often overlooked in business.

It’s not enough to communicate the rules.
(Actually, you’d be surprised how many don’t even do that.)

Few take the time to find the words that push their team to stretch, take initiative, and go for bold shots.

Let alone words that make the stretch feel obvious, necessary, and worth it.

Not effortless.
But inevitable.

That’s why the Transformative Principle in the PATH framework is so important.

What’s one bold move your team hesitated on? Could a tweak in your language have made the choice easier?

Keep lighting the path!

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The PATH to Strategic Impact

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