Oh, you’re talking to me!

Good communication is easy to understand.
Great communication is relevant.

If I can’t see why that sophisticated solution you’re so eloquently explaining isn’t for me, I won’t care.

If I can’t see why the problem you’re so vividly outlining isn’t mine, I won’t care.

But if you make me see why that’s my problem and why that solution will make it go away, it’s a different game.

“Oh, you’re talking to me!”
That’s when I start paying attention.

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Your Style

“Our audiences expect it that way.”But honestly now, do they really? The statement sounds as if it would be in service of the audience. But

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AI writing tools

AI writing assistants are all over the place. Although their writing is often bad. But so is yours when you write the first draft of

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The practice drug

In a world of get-rich-quick advice it’s an eye-opening journey to explore the realm of world class musicians who practice an insane amount of time

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The Art of Communicating

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