If there was no fear …

If there was no fear, everyone would just be courageous enough to do anything.

But there is fear. In real world, our actions have consequences. And these consequences might be not what we like. So we fear the consequences: What if people don’t like this? What if it breaks? What if it’s the wrong direction?

But that’s precisely why fear is such a good compass. It forces us to confront the consequences: Are we willing to take the risk for this vision? Will it be worth it? It forces us to get serious about our vision. To mean it when we say: “We’re heading this way.”

This is the positive side effect of fear. It leads us the way.

If there was no fear associated with our path, everyone would probably be taking it because nobody would fear the consequences. But that not everyone does might just be the reason why it’s worth it.

The point is not to get rid of fear but to navigate fear.

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