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Where are we headed?

3 fundamental questions that leaders who light the path address in their team communication:

1. Where are we headed?
Helps the team understand the destination they are working towards. Gives a sense of purpose and direction, ensuring that everyone is aligned and moving towards the same target.

2. Why there?
Explains the rationale behind the chosen direction or goal. It provides context and reasoning, which is crucial for team members to understand the significance of their work. Helps in building commitment as team members are more likely to be motivated if they know the purpose behind their tasks and how it contributes to the bigger picture.

3. Why us?
Highlights the unique skills, capabilities, and contributions of the team, fostering a sense of importance and belonging. Addressing the role and significance of the team in achieving the set objectives, boosts morale and instills a sense of responsibility and ownership among team members.

Where are you headed?

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The promises you make

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