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A respectful approach to marketing

Most marketing is geared towards changing what people do. Essentially, it’s about making them buy something they wouldn’t have bought without our marketing.

I feel like a better approach is for marketing to be geared towards changing what people see. This kind of marketing, which I call “lighting the path”, is about making people see something (in a way) that they wouldn’t have seen otherwise.

And then, it trusts them with the decision to buy it (or vote for it or apply the advice). Its goal is not to persuade but to resonate.

It might lead to the same result. People might buy from us. And so, it might look like a little difference. But, it’s actually a profound one. A more truthful and respectful marketing approach.

It works only when we care deeply for our audience because only then will we be able to make products and craft messages that are so relevant that they resonate.

But when they do, and when our product actually delivers on what we promise, we’ve built trust. As a result of respect for our audience. And that leads to loyalty.

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