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Who’s your audience?

Something that’s often overlooked in communication:
We get to choose our audience.

Here’s an interesting example from the domain of bottled water: Liquid Death.

It’s clearly not for everyone. But that allows it to resonate with others even stronger.

So much time is wasted trying to convince those who don’t want to be convinced …

… when there are usually more than enough people who’ve already made the first step and are eager to hear from you.

The interesting bit is that making your message much stronger for the eager ones might even lead some of the skeptical ones to pay attention.

Now, of course your way of choosing your audience might be very different from Liquid Death’s wayhttps://liquiddeath.com/. But regardless of what you offer, there is always a choice.

How do you choose your audience?


Immer die richtigen Worte finden und unwiderstehlich klar präsentieren

Immer die richtigen Worte finden und unwiderstehlich klar präsentieren

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