
The TV show Ted Lasso is full of interesting, rich characters. One of them is Nate, the kit man who became assistant coach and later known as “The Wonder Kid”.

When he felt underappreciated by Ted Lasso and the Richmond team, he left to become the head coach at rival team West Ham United where he was unbelievably successful, heading from win to win, truly acting as a wonder kid.

And yet, he chose to quit mid-season.

It was a toxic environment.

Nate is an unusual example in today’s world. He finds joy from perfecting the things he does rather than from doing the perfect thing.

He prefers to work in a healthy environment that values the little contributions that anyone makes over being the shining light in a toxic environment.

He prooves that passion is not always something that strikes you at birth, but something that can be found in the things you do.

If you haven’t watched the show, I highly recommend you do. Nate is just one of many fascinating characters.

How much preparation you need …

Some experts seem to appear on TV all the time. Whenever something happens, these people pop up in TV shows to explain what happened.

It’s the kind of people who always seem to know what to say. Who understand quickly and answer eloquently. Who are clever, relaxed and quick-witted.

Science educator Neil deGrasse Tyson is one of them. Yet, if you ask him how he became so quick-witted, his answer might surprise you:

You need to be 10x prepared in order to look like you didn’t have to prepare. – Neil deGrasse Tyson

So, yes, these people are smart. But probably the smartest aspect about their personality is that they prepare. That’s why they always know what to say. That’s why they are quick to answer. And that’s why they are so easy to work with for TV stations.

They don’t just wing it. So they don’t easily fail. TV stations can rely on them. Because they prepare. And, in essence, that’s why they are always on TV.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz