“I have a feeling”

Think about tomorrow’s agenda. Now ask your gut. What does it tell you?

  • Yay! This will be the absolute best use of my time.
  • Could be better but hey, it’s part of my job.
  • Well, it’s going to be one of these days, you know?!
  • Boo! The mere thought of it sends shivers down my spine.

Our gut isn’t always right. But if something feels off, it at least provides us with a good reason to look closer so that we can uncover what causes it, articulate it clearly and then: adjust! Rewrite the script.

No matter who you are or how well you are doing, there is always something you can flip to improve your results and experience.

Registration for “Flip the Script” is still open. In this 3-months program, Shane Cradock and I show you how to properly listen to your gut, make sense of what you hear, and then consciously re-shape your story. We won’t stop at knowing how to flip the script, we’ll lead you to actually flip it (and we’re absolutely positive on this, so we provide a do-the-work-money-back guarantee.)

There’s a bigger impact to make and we would love to see you make it. Here’s all the info.

A new life is calling …

The phone rings. A new life is calling. What do you reply?

  • I tell ’em I’m not interested, I’m happy.
  • I tell ’em I’m not interested, I’m busy.
  • I ask ’em to call back later.
  • I listen.
  • I waste no time to make an appointment.

Key takeaways from Flip the Script

On Wednesday, Shane Cradock and I had a lot of fun doing some public thinking.

In our free webinar, more than 50 leaders from across the world joined in to listen to our discussion on what it takes to flip your inner script and move to whatever your next level is.

Some people reached out who couldn’t attend and so we decided to leave the recording online for a couple of more days. You can still access it here.

Some key takeaways from the conversation:

  • Why in order to play fast, you gotta practice slowly (starting at 33:40min)
  • What it takes to turn from amateur to pro and how you push back your inner resistance (starting at 36min)
  • What the “More Monster” is doing to you and why you should become really selfish about the things that truly matter to you (starting at 44:50 min)
  • Why there’s never a perfect script and you’re never finished flipping the script (starting at 1:02 hour)
  • Why flipping the script is not a task, but a skill (starting at 1:03:30 hour)
  • Why hitting the pause button to tune into your inner script is important (starting at 1:06 hour)

We just kept going way over the hour because we wanted to answer all the questions that came from the audience.

If you’re interested in information about the program that we’re going to launch in September, that info starts at 48:27min.

Wait, is this really it?

Some of us are happy. Some of us are successful.
Not all of us are both, happy and successful.
They don’t always come together.

For example, some of the most successful people ask themselves: “Wait, is this really it? Is this what success looks like? Is this really what I’ve been dreaming of achieving? Is this the reward for all of my hard work?”

Anyone looking from the outside would think they’re a successful person. And yet … somehow … for them … it doesn’t feel that way.

The worst part is when they can’t even put their finger on it. Something’s off. But what exactly?

Somehow, life and circumstances wrote their story. They’ve stumbled into this. As their ambitions rose, their responsibilities rose. As their team grew, the little fires everywhere grew. As their time got scarce, so too did their joy.

None of this they chose consciously. It somehow just happened. Life wrote their story. Not they themselves. In a way, they’ve become the victim of their own success.

That’s why, for them, it doesn’t feel like success. At least not in the way they dreamed of when they started.

If you’re looking for a more meaningful definition of success that brings you more joy, you might be interested in a free webinar I’m giving with my friend Shane Cradock. We’re going to explore where that mismatch comes from, how to find clarity on what really matters for you, and how to take action towards that.

The webinar will take place on June, 22nd and there are still a few seats available. So grab yours quickly: http://crowdcast.io/e/flipthescript/register

The surprising diversity of success

I’m lucky enough to count some of the most successful people among my friends and family.

One of them is running a hidden champion.

Another one is helping startups become unicorns.

Another one is spending most of her days in the garden, nurturing and enjoying the beauty of nature.

Yet another one is a teenager turning time with her friends into moments to keep.

Success is a strange concept as it can take on so many different shapes. I’ve met vastly successful people of all ages and at every income level. Each of them had their very own, rather distinct definition of success.

What they all have in common is the fact that they decided to grab the pen and become the author of their own story of success. They have taken over their inner script and they seek out the activities and environments that contribute to this story.

A master in that domain is my friend Shane Cradock from Ireland. He has taken control of his own inner script when he was in his twenties to overcome a heavy depression. Today, 20 years later, he’s helping ambitious leaders take control of their inner scripts.

Why would leaders need that? Because, well, it turns out that what looks successful from the outside doesn’t sometimes feel that way from the inside. I’m sure you’ve met quite a number of people who from the outside appear to have it all and yet from the inside feel like they are lacking enormously.

I’m pleased to announce that Shane and I are launching a new program dedicated to finding clarity about the story of your success, flipping the script towards a more meaningful story of success, and taking action towards it.

It’s called Flip the Script and on June, 22nd we’re discussing some of the concepts in a free webinar. Just click the link to learn more and register.

But before you do so, you might be interested in what Shane has to say about success. I’ve asked him three crucial questions:

1. What’s success, anyway?

Success is a funny word because it can mean very different things to people. I think success very much is determined by the person themselves or should be.

Without realising it, a certain definition of success is conditioned into us in terms of what we believe we need to achieve or have in order to be seen as successful.

For me, success is living an authentic life in line with my values and highest aspirations as a person. Success is being true to myself in all aspects of my life. Within that, for me, a key measure of success is my sense of aliveness, my sense of playfulness and lightheartedness.

I’ve worked with many people who are seen by society as incredibly successful but they are seeking my help because they feel stuck in a way. These are all people who climbed the ladder of success, got to the top and then didn’t like the view.

2. What’s holding people back from trusting in their own definition of success?

What’s hindering people I think is a lack of belief and possibility.

It’s too easy to fall victim to your limiting beliefs and maybe you have given up on creating ‘better’ for yourself in various areas of your work and life.

For many, there’s also the issue of how to explore what success really means and where to start. Key is understanding your inner world and how vital clarity in that space is.

3. Is there a small shift that anyone can easily make to find better balance in their life?

Yes, there are things you can do to create better balance in your life. You could start today by looking at your phone less. Deliberately spend less time in email, have a set time to start your work day and a clear time to end it. Be more consistent with exercise – in particular weight resistance training as it has an incredible impact on your wellbeing.

These are just some very practical things that make a difference but there are more significant shifts available to everyone if they’re willing to go deeper – deeper into exploring how to get the best from yourself.

That’s why I’m excited about doing this new program, Flip The Script, with you, Michael – to be able to work with people who are open and keen to explore a different approach.

Part of my work over 20 years has been helping people to identify the limiting stories they’re telling themselves and then help them to create new ones that are more empowering and full of possibility.

I’m very much looking forward to helping you find clarity about your own story of success. Reserve your seat for the Flip the Script program. Or join us in the free webinar.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz