Surrounded by great people

Good leaders surround themselves with great people. What sometimes keeps them from becoming great leaders is when they stop there, believing that their team of great people will somehow figure it out. (Which they probably will. Or not.)

What separates a team of great people from a great team is the “team” part. The feeling of “us”. The feeling that as a team we can achieve much greater things than any one of us could on their own.

Why do we exist – as a team? Where are we headed – as a team? What is the impact that we’re here to make? These are the lights that great leaders shine on the path of their teams.

Great leadership is not about figuring things out. That’s what the team is great at. Great leadership is about lighting the path. So that the team figures out the right things in the right way.

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The WTF moment

Marketers strive for a WOW moment. But the WTF moment is even stronger. WTF is short for “I can’t believe that this is possible!” It

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One thought

If you can manage to plant ONE THOUGHT in my head, you’ve changed my life. You’ve also achieved way more than almost any other piece

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