Wenn Sie Ihre Kunden begeistern wollen, dann wollen Sie viel zu wenig. Ihre Kunden sollen nicht sagen „Tolle Show!“ sondern „Was für ein tolles Produkt!“ Der AHA-Effekt macht Sie für Ihre Kunden einzigartig und unersetzlich, weil sich die Kunden nirgendwo so gut verstanden fühlen wie bei Ihnen. Lernen Sie überzeugend zu präsentieren.
Neu im Überzeugend-Präsentieren-Blog
When ambition isn’t enough
Have you ever had a problem that everyone saw, but no one acted?That’s exactly what happened to my client. A couple of years ago a
The Organizing Principle
In a recent conversation with Alex Smith about strategy, we briefly touched on this never-ending confusion between strategy, tactics, and planning: Almost always, when people
My secret second life
I don’t speak about this often on this platform, but I live a second life in which I run a business with my wife, Stephanie.
The first step
Honestly now, how often have you shied away from that first step because you feared it could be the wrong direction? Did that make “standing
An earthquake of an aha
Many people think about aha moments as these sudden flashes of brilliance, much like a lightning bolt from the sky. But I tend to think
How 2 Simple Words Disrupted an Entire Industry
In the 1970s, Southwest Airlines realized a simple truth: a plane on the ground is a plane losing money. No matter how good the seats
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