What’s more important? What you say or how you say it?
Read more thoughts on the art of communicating week-daily at https://michaelgerharz.com/blog
The following statement keeps popping up in all sorts of places all the
time and it goes like this:it doesn't matter what you say, but how you say it.
time and it goes like this:The thing is it's still as wrong as the first time it's been said.
time and it goes like this:What this is probably meant to say is that how you say things has a
time and it goes like this:strong influence on whether what you say actually makes an impact.
time and it goes like this:And because of that, it might happen that inferior ideas beat superior ones, simply
time and it goes like this:because they were communicated better.
time and it goes like this:Yet, if you care for what you do and what you communicate then, of course,
time and it goes like this:you will always start with what you say.
time and it goes like this:It's why you show up in the first place.
time and it goes like this:It's what makes the difference in the end.
time and it goes like this:It's what separates the bullshitters and the hot air producers from
time and it goes like this:those who actually want to change things for the better.
time and it goes like this:For them, things might not always appear to be fair.
time and it goes like this:Sometimes it feels that these slick and sneaky marketers are just
time and it goes like this:naturally talented to sell things but if you look closely, it's
time and it goes like this:often, not that they are actually more charismatic or more eloquent.
time and it goes like this:It's just that they understand better what resonates with their audiences.
time and it goes like this:Now here's the thing.
time and it goes like this:When you care enough for your cause, it's inevitably going to be part of the game
time and it goes like this:to do the same thing, to do the heart work of empathy so that you, too, understand
time and it goes like this:what resonates with your audiences.
time and it goes like this:And if you do, magic happens because when you say the things that you
time and it goes like this:believe in, in a way that deeply resonates with your audience,
time and it goes like this:then, first of all, change happens.
time and it goes like this:And secondly, and probably even more importantly, trust is built.