Why car companies avoided telling the truth about their cars and why you shouldn’t?
There was a time when cars didn't have seat belts.
Speaker:There was even a time when car makers hesitated to equip their cars
Speaker:with seatbelts although they could.
Speaker:The reason was that they feared bad publicity.
Speaker:After all, equipping your car with seat belts in a way gives the impression that
Speaker:the cars were kind of unsafe so that there was actually a need for the seatbelts.
Speaker:Which could, as they reasoned back then, scare customers and keep them from buying.
Speaker:And so they decided to not tell the whole story about their cars, but
Speaker:rather hide the fact that cars do, as a matter of fact, crash sometimes.
Speaker:And they hoped that no one notices it.
Speaker:Today we have way safer cars because people who cared surfaced the whole story.
Speaker:And its book “Unsafe At Any Speed”, Ralph Nader pointed out how unsafe cars
Speaker:actually are and that equipping a car with seat belts is not a sign of weakness
Speaker:but a sign of taking responsibility for the fact that cars do crash and
Speaker:protecting the customers and providing them with the safest possible experience.
Speaker:That book opened the flood gates so that today we have actually legislation that
Speaker:not only requires cars to be equipped with seat belts, but to actually use them.
Speaker:So obviously the best way to deal with the truth was not to hide the problem,
Speaker:but to face it, deal with it, and improve the product based on what you see.
Speaker:A good question to ask always is this:
Speaker:if your customers knew everything that, you know, would they still buy?
Speaker:Many companies don't trust that their customers really would.
Speaker:And so they bend the truth and maybe even hide parts of it.
Speaker:But some companies act very differently.
Speaker:They use this exact same question as a motivation to improve the product.
Speaker:And not only will these companies end up with superior products, marketing
Speaker:for them will be way easier because all they need to do is tell a true story.
Speaker:Ultimately, what that leads to is customers who can and do trust you.