Three simple hacks for non-designers that will make you a better designer …
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So, I'm not a designer but I design all my visuals myself.
Michael:I've adopted a posture that I call the posture of the lazy designer.
Michael:And I thought you might be interested in it.
Michael:Because I think that good designers are in a way lazy designers.
Michael:For three reasons.
Michael:A good designer will not start the design until they have
Michael:clarity about what to design.
Michael:Who is it for?
Michael:What's the change I'm trying to affect?
Michael:Why do we need that visual in the first place?
Michael:Once you're clear about what to design the how becomes much
Michael:easier and much more efficient.
Michael:While when you're unclear about it, you can waste a lot of time designing things
Michael:that no one needs, and that has no effect.
Michael:A good designer will let the content make as many decisions as possible.
Michael:If your piece makes any sense, there will be tons of
Michael:correlations among the contents.
Michael:Make use of them.
Michael:Things that belong together are placed close together.
Michael:Things that don't, are spatially separated.
Michael:Things that are the same, look the same.
Michael:Things that are different, look different.
Michael:And not just a bit, but no doubt different.
Michael:And then third, a good designer will make effective use of constraints.
Michael:One color is enough to design almost anything.
Michael:Two might be useful in many situations, Three.
Michael:Uh, that depends.
Michael:The same is true for almost anything: fonts, shapes you name it.
A good rule of thumb is this:stick with the smallest selection unless
A good rule of thumb is this:you have a strong reason not to.
A good rule of thumb is this:When you stick to a small selection, choosing a different color or
A good rule of thumb is this:a different shape allows you to direct the attention of the viewer.
A good rule of thumb is this:And so the design makes more sense, looks more professional and more beautiful.
A good rule of thumb is this:So, when you design your next piece keep in mind the posture of the lazy designer.