Why focus matters … and a free live event on how to become a super focused communicator. Details at https://michaelgerharz.com/live
So, what was the talk about?
Speaker:The best communicators don't leave the answer to that question to chance.
Speaker:They carefully focus their story to deliver a lasting impact.
Speaker:The default mode to comunication is very different, though.
Speaker:It goes something like this.
Speaker:I'm just going to tell you everything and then you're going to be convinced.
Speaker:But we all know how that usually turns out, right?
Speaker:Let's change this.
Speaker:I'm going to host a live event on April 25th to help you become
Speaker:a super-focused communicator.
Speaker:Based on my work with leaders across the globe, we’ll look at
Speaker:how to find the courage to truly cut to the core,
Speaker:how to separate the signal from the noise,
Speaker:and how to direct everyone's energy on what matters most, no matter
Speaker:how complex the task at hand is.
Because here's the thing:where others are overwhelmed with
Because here's the thing:choice, leaders who master focus point us in the right direction.
Because here's the thing:Where others are torn between alternatives, they make us
Because here's the thing:see how to make that choice.
And remember:if you don't decide on what matters most, your audience
And remember:is going to decide for you.
And remember:And you might not like their choice.
And remember:So it's always better to find that courage yourself, to own what you want to be
And remember:known for and to use relentless focus so that your story delivers that impression.
And remember:Join me on April 25th.
And remember:It's free and you can register at michaelgerharz.com/live, that's G E
And remember:R H A R Z, michaelgerharz.com/live.