Why falling in love with an idea is quite similar to falling in love with someone and what that leads to …
Did you ever act foolishly after you’ve fallen in love with someone?
Speaker:Probably your mind when a little over the top with all the things it suggested
Speaker:to impress the beloved one with.
Speaker:Perhaps you struggled to find the right words, bombarding the beloved one with
Speaker:thousands of things you love, because you thought that they might love it as well.
Speaker:So, maybe in trying to make a good impression you achieved,
Speaker:well, the exact opposite.
Speaker:You're not alone, of course.
Speaker:Also, this does not only apply when you fall in love with someone.
Speaker:It also happens when you fall in love with an idea.
Speaker:When we’re in love with an idea, we are easily overwhelmed with all
Speaker:the things we love about that idea.
Speaker:We would want to tell the world everything about it, and at once.
Speaker:And it's not uncommon that in trying to impress others, we're actually
Speaker:alienating or at least confusing them.
Speaker:So just as with building new relationships, it helps to listen
Speaker:more than you want to talk.
Speaker:It helps to figure out what the others love so that you can figure
Speaker:out whether it's a good match.
Speaker:And it also helps to take a deep breath so that the words that
Speaker:you do say come out in a way that makes at least a little more sense.