Leaders Light The Path


If marketing was a bakery

If marketing was a bakery, we would all probably hate their cake. Here’s why …

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If marketing was a bakery, we would probably all hate their cake.

And here's why:

As a baker, when your cake doesn't taste great, the

And here's why:

best thing you can do is to learn to bake up better tasting cake, right?

And here's why:

However, the default approach of many marketers is rather different.

And here's why:

They will just take the cake, even if it's not that great

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and decorate it beautifully.

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Invent a story about how the recipe is an ancient and long forgotten

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secret off someone's grandmother.

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Throw some incentives in, so you can let's say get three if you buy two, although

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our customers might not even want one.

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And of course, have a celebrity who never tasted the cake

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tell us how delicious it is.

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And then, when you've tricked the customer into buying that piece of

And here's why:

cake, trust erodes as the experience falls short of the expectation.

And here's why:

Sure, the first bite is with the eye.

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But sooner or later, the customer gets to experience the actual taste.

And here's why:

If the actual bite isn't great, that first impression of our

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eyes will quickly be forgotten.

And here's why:

The default approach to marketing is prone to deception.

And here's why:

Give me what you have and I will make it appear attractive and find ways

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to persuade a customer to buy it.

And here's why:

Lighting the path is different.

And here's why:

You start with a great tasting cake.

And here's why:

You decorate a great cake not as a means to hide a weakness, but because

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it makes a great cake even greater.

And here's why:

You don't invent a story about the recipe to make it appear cooler.

And here's why:

You tell the actual story because it's fascinating, let's say due

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to the breathtaking attention to detail in making the cake.

And here's why:

And here's when that pays off.

And here's why:

When the actual bite confirms the eyes’ bite, it builds trust and we

And here's why:

might fall in love with the cake.

And here's why:

And buy a second one even without any incentive.

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