How much preparation do you need if you want to appear as if you didn’t have to prepare …
Some things are easier said than done. But I’m here to help. Ask me anything about the art of communicating and I will answer it in one of the upcoming episodes. Head over to
Some experts seem to appear on TV all the time.
Speaker:Whenever something happens, these people pop up in TV
Speaker:shows to explain what happened.
Speaker:It's the kind of people who always seem to know what to say, who understand
Speaker:quickly and answer eloquently, who are clever, relaxed, and quick-witted.
Speaker:And that is actually one of the questions I get asked a lot.
Speaker:How can you become more quick-witted and more relaxed in these situations so that
Speaker:you appear as this super prepared and super spontaneous expert in your field?
Speaker:Well, science educator, Neil deGrasse.
Speaker:Tyson is one of those people.
Speaker:Yet, if you ask him how he became so quick witted, his answer might surprise you.
Speaker:Here's what he said.
Speaker:You need to be 10x prepared in order to look like you didn't have to prepare.
Speaker:So, yes, these people are smart.
Speaker:But probably the smartest aspect about their personality is that they prepare.
Speaker:That's why they always know what to say.
Speaker:That's why they are quick to answer.
Speaker:And that's why they are easy to work with for TV stations.
Speaker:Every question they get asked, they have prepared beforehand.
Speaker:So they have answers ready to 10 times the questions they get asked.
Speaker:That's why they are so quick-witted that they appear to need no preparation at all.
Speaker:They don't just wing it.
Speaker:So they don't easily fail.
Speaker:TV stations can rely on them.
Speaker:Because they prepare and in essence, that's why they are always on TV.