Leaders Light The Path


How can anyone still want to lead a tobacco company?

Why it’s so hard to change people who make different life choices and what to do instead … 


It's one thing when you decide that you love smoking, but don't you agree

Speaker:hard to understand how, after:Speaker:

want to lead a tobacco company?

Speaker:surgeon general's report from:Speaker:

linked smoking to lung cancer.


And yet, here we are.


People are still running tobacco companies.


Managers are still risking smokers lives.

Speaker:A statement from:Speaker:

Phillip Morris, sheds some light on how this is even possible.

He said:

“ I love cigarettes.

He said:

It's one of the things that makes life really worth living.”

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So, Phillip Morris was and probably is run by people who actually love smoking.

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That's what's so hard to understand for people who believe in better.

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When you see so very clearly why some behavior is bad, it's easy to

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jump to the conclusion that there is no other way of looking at things.

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But different people can have vastly different value systems.

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Millhiser didn't even need to disagree with the health reports.

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For him, it was sufficient that he loved smoking.

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He wanted to smoke despite the impact on his health.

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You don't change people like Millhiser by insisting stronger, louder, or longer

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on how you are right and they are wrong.

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They know that.

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But they still decide to make different life choices than you do.

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No matter how mad you get at this stance, you won't change it.

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Your effort is better spent at taking actions that have an

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actual chance of making an impact.

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For example, by choosing an audience you actually can convince, like

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for example, the government.

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Or by speaking about the things that make life even more

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worth living than a cigarette.

He said:

Better even, by inventing these things and then speaking about them.

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