Leaders Light The Path


Caring for the cause is not enough

Why so many people who deeply care for their cause, fail to make change happen …


Many people who deeply care for their cause, fail to make change

happen, for a simple reason:

it's not enough to care for your cause.

happen, for a simple reason:

You need to care for the change, too.

And here's why:

it has a profound impact on your actions.

And here's why:

If you only care for the cause you can spend your whole life

And here's why:

sitting in your office and thinking about better solutions.

And here's why:

You can avoid public speaking, social media, and instead spend

And here's why:

your days thinking up arguments.

And here's why:

Most importantly, you can act as if the others would just change

And here's why:

their behavior, if only they would finally see what you see.

And here's why:

But of course, that never happens because you wait for that day where

And here's why:

you finally have the perfect argument.

And here's why:

And so today, you shy away from the public stage.

And here's why:

Essentially, that means that if you only care for the cause you

And here's why:

can act as if the others weren't a factor in making the change.

And here's why:

But if you really care for the change, you'll inevitably have

And here's why:

to take the others into account.

And here's why:

You'll need to figure out how to inspire them to take action.

And here's why:

For this, you need to empathize with them.

And here's why:

Why would they care?

And here's why:

What would make them listen?

And here's why:

It's when you switch to that perspective that you start looking

And here's why:

at your communication differently.

And here's why:

Suddenly, all the details that felt so near and dear to your heart lose some

And here's why:

of their weight because you realize that people need to be curious for

And here's why:

the facts before you can dig deep.

And here's why:

Suddenly it's not even about purely the facts anymore, but just as much about the

And here's why:

values and beliefs that make us interpret the facts in this way or another.

And here's why:

But most importantly, when you care for the change, it's not about whether

And here's why:

you feel uncomfortable to go on a stage and speak about your cause.

And here's why:

When you care for the change it's required to speak up.

And here's why:

It needs to be done.

And here's why:

And so, you just do it.

And here's why:

And when you do it, you'll find the courage to turn your speech into a

And here's why:

powerful speech because that's what's required to make change happen.

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