Why this simple question helps you make your communication way clearer …
Can you draw it?
Speaker:This simple question is one of the most powerful tools to make
Speaker:your communication clearer.
Speaker:Because when you can draw it, it means that you can see it.
Speaker:And when you can see it, it means that it's concrete.
Speaker:What you think can be abstract, but what you see, or even
Speaker:draw, will always be concrete.
Speaker:And that's a huge bonus when you want me to see it, too.
Let's say you think:“We're innovative.” This can mean very specific things to you.
Let's say you think:You know exactly in which way your innovative.
Let's say you think:But at the same time, it means nothing to me.
Let's say you think:Or at least something completely different than you think it does.
Let's say you think:It's a different game when you show or at least tell me what innovative looks like.
Let's say you think:Then we can look at it together and I can much more easily tell
Let's say you think:whether I see the same as you do.
Let's say you think:And whether I like what I see.
Let's say you think:So, what does it look like when you improve the process?
Let's say you think:What does it look like when you increase production quality?
Let's say you think:And what does it look like when we perform better as a team?
Let's say you think:Can you draw it?