This episode reflects on one of the toughest decisions we need to make as a communicator …
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Sometimes we need to make a tough decision.
Speaker:Who do we leave behind?
Speaker:As a customer or in our messaging.
Speaker:It might sound like a cliche, but it's true.
Speaker:We can't be everything for everyone.
Speaker:It's impossible.
Speaker:But what's possible is to be something for someone.
Speaker:And if we are it's not about cramming everything in our message anymore,
Speaker:but about making our message a beloved something for someone special.
Speaker:The real value here is this.
Speaker:We tell friends about our beloved somethings.
Speaker:Even more so when it makes us feel special.
Speaker:And so, if we manage to be this beloved something for someone special, our
Speaker:message spreads, almost automatically.
Speaker:Leaving people behind is required to make our message stronger for
Speaker:those who are ready to come along.
Speaker:Communicators spend way too much effort on trying to persuade those who don't
Speaker:want to be persuaded when they could spend that effort to much greater effect on
Speaker:serving those who are ready to come along.
Speaker:And possibly bring their friends.
Speaker:Given the choice, I would always choose a die hard fan over a skeptical crowd.
Speaker:I would always delight someone special rather than having a crowd
Speaker:just barely approve, half of which complaint afterwards, anyway.
The thing is this:it is a choice.
The thing is this:So, how do you choose?
The thing is this:Who do you leave behind?