Here are 5 easy to implement ways to get rid of boring meetings …
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Boring meetings are great opportunities to catch up with unread mail.
Speaker:Or to plan your next vacation.
Speaker:Or to recall that party you had over the weekend.
Speaker:But if you're wondering whether that meeting is really the best use of your
Speaker:time at that moment, why not address the cause instead of the symptoms?
Speaker:Why not work to prevent boring meetings from happening rather
Speaker:than look for ways to reuse boring meeting time with a second activity.
Speaker:If you're following that podcast a bit longer, you know, that I prefer to
Speaker:meet for a doing rather than a meeting.
Speaker:But if it absolutely has to be a meeting, here are a couple of ideas.
Speaker:First cut the meeting to one third.
Speaker:And mean it.
Speaker:This is easy if everyone leaves out the boring two-thirds.
Speaker:Or second, take a vote five minutes into each presentation,
asking:Do you want to learn more?
asking:And only move on.
asking:If the majority vote is yes.
asking:And actually you will be amazed at how much relevance
asking:you can fit into five minutes.
asking:Or third, use the sorry principle which goes like this.
Anyone may ask:“Who gives a damn?” at any point during the meeting.
Anyone may ask:If the presenter or the meeting leader, doesn't have a compelling answer
Anyone may ask:to that question, the presentation or even the whole meeting is over.
Anyone may ask:Or fourth, like Amazon for go presentations in favor of a study hall.
Anyone may ask:Instead of presentations, employees prepare memos.
Anyone may ask:Reserve, for example, 30 minutes at the beginning of each meeting,
Anyone may ask:exclusively to reading these memos.
Anyone may ask:That makes sure that the memos get read and thus are prepared well.
Anyone may ask:Or fifth, publicly raid the meeting, as well as the organizer after the meeting.
Anyone may ask:This way, you can quickly see who organizes and leads meetings in
Anyone may ask:a way that makes a difference.
Anyone may ask:Don't give into boring meetings.
Anyone may ask:Change them.