If you don’t decide what matters most, your audience will happily decide for you.
(You might not like their choice.)
Keep in mind that
when everything’s important, nothing’s important.
How would your audience say it?
The pass along phrase forces you to look from their perspective.
The easier you make it for your audience to speak about your idea, the more likely your idea will spread.
One of the more surprising ways to focus is by embracing your weaknesses.
When your team is focused on a common goal it simplifies decision making and empowers every member on your team to make decisions on behalf of the team. You’re no longer the bottleneck.
The more priorities you have, the more your business will struggle to make decisions. In fact, the ideal number of priorities is one.
The world’s strongest brands (and teams) focus on one promise and then they stick with it. Sometimes for decades. That’s how they become known for that promise.