The two kinds of suspense
There are two types of suspense: artificial and intrinsic. Artificial suspense is what TV casting shows do to you right before an ad brake. They
There are two types of suspense: artificial and intrinsic. Artificial suspense is what TV casting shows do to you right before an ad brake. They
There’s a huge difference between telling stories DURING a speech and telling a story WITH your speech. Most storytelling advice aims at the former. It
Bad newspapers lead with fake tension.Great newspapers lead with real tension.What’s the difference? Fake tension is created by holding information back.Real tension is created by
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The keynote was a great success. Standing ovations. “What a great presentation!”“You’re a natural born presenter!”“That was quite the roller-coaster ride! What a brilliant show!”
The beauty of books is that you can live other people’s lives. The beauty of dreams is that you can live a different version of
Surprisingly often, this question is a lot harder to answer than it should be. The website made a great job of hooking me up. The
Today is the first time in months that you go to the movies. You’ve decided that this is a movie that just has to be
Vor Ihrem Vortrag glaubt das Publikum etwas, danach etwas anderes. Erst wenn es einen fundamentalen Unterschied dazwischen gibt, dann gibt es auch einen Grund für
Remember serial TV? We had to wait a full week to watch the next episode of our favorite show (which was yours?). Back then, great
Think of a great book you enjoyed lately. How did it begin? Mine started with a burning house. Great authors know that once the reader
Some people believe that tension is something you have to create artificially. Something that needs to be added to your story. Something that only Hollywood
Many presenters tell their audience everything but fail to make them curious for anything. It’s exactly the other way around: Start from curiosity and ignore
Did you cry when Elliott had to say goodbye to E.T.? Millions of viewers did. Steven Spielberg told E.T. so brilliantly that they were completely
No, your topic isn’t dry. There are no dry topics. There are only dry lectures:
You shouldn’t. But as a goal, that’s unambitious. And misleading. Not being boring is relatively easy (though not necessarily cheap). Make a speech during a
Storytelling is rather simple if you follow this advice from writer Elmore Leonard: “A story is real life with the boring parts left out.” Simple,
“Yeah, but my topic is boring.” To which I replied with a surprised stare. “Well, it’s just paragraphs and dry stuff.” I was baffled. What
Als Maxime für Ihre Präsentation taugt der Satz nicht, weil er in die Irre führt. Es ist der Leitsatz des TV und weiter Teile des
Absurd gets rejected.Obvious gets ignored. Interesting sits in the sweet-spot in between. What about your idea is non-obvious so that it gets people’s attention and
Many presenters tell their audience everything but fail to make them curious for anything. It’s exactly the other way around: Start from curiosity and ignore
Here’s a simple truth that great authors understand:We start reading. Then we keep reading. In other words: The story unfolds. Step by step. Specifically, a
… is everyday life and it’s quite often overlooked. Most of us don’t spend the majority of our time in the extraordinary. It’s the ordinary
If you want to be seen by someone, see them first.If you want their attention, pay attention first. What are they proud of? What do
We learn theory in order to be right but the coolest part that gets your attention is the wrongness. – Victor Wooten We can give
Mit Ignoraten sprechen von Peter Moder
Was tun, wenn trotz aller Bemühungen Argumente nicht mehr weiterhelfen.
What the best college teachers do von Ken Bain
Auf Basis einer breitangelegten Studie wird hier fundiert analysiert, was erfolgreiche Lehrende wirklich von schlechten unterscheidet.
Emotions revealed von Paul Ekman
Was kann man wirklich aus der Mimik ablesen und wie spiegeln sich Emotionen darin wieder. Das Buch ist die Grundlage der TV-Serie „Lie to me“.
Englische Fassung / Deutsche Fassung
The Power of Habit von Charles Duhigg
Wie funktionieren Gewohnheiten und wie kann man sie wirksam durchbrechen.
Englische Fassung / Deutsche Fassung
Made to Stick von Chip und Dan Heath
Die beiden Brüder haben Kommunikations-Kampagnen auf die Frage hin untersucht, was diejenigen, die hängen bleiben von denen unterscheidet, die man sofort wieder vergisst.
The Story Grid von Shawn Coyne
Für diejenigen von euch, die neugierig sind, wie Hollywood-Blockbuster Spannung erzeugen. Ein etwas spezielles Buch, das man erst auf Präsentationen übersetzen muss, aber vielleicht interessant, falls ihr grundsätzlich neugierig seid, warum z.B. „Das Schweigen der Lämmer“ so spannend ist.
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