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Leaders Light The Path


A new name

You probably noticed that this show has a new name. Here’s why …


Hey, you probably noticed that this show has a new name. It's still the same show, but I wanted a title that more directly tells you what to expect from it. So let's start today by revisiting what that is. In two minutes, twice a week, we explore how great communicators make change happen when they speak with irresistible clarity. The show’s old name, which was “Leaders Light the Path”, wasn't 100% clear about this. The title could just as well refer to any kind of leadership show. But although we tap into many different aspects of leadership, this is not just any show about leadership. It's a show about how you can inspire action through the words you use. How can you tell your story in a way that it becomes irresistibly clear? Using words you truly believe in about the things you deeply care about? If you do this right, you're going to light the path for your team, your customers, your audiences. So it's really just a new name while everything else stays the same. And therefore, I hope you are going to join me and listeners from more than 70 countries for another two years with another 200 episodes. Keep lighting the path! And please share it with a friend!

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