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Would they agree?

When you think that this little detail is crucially important in your communication and can’t be left out under any circumstances, would your customers agree?

I mean there’s no doubt that it’s crucial to building the service but is it crucial for your communication?

Your customers don’t need to know everything you know and neither do they want to. They reached out precisely because you are the expert. They want you to know all the details.

If they cared as much for the details as you do, they’d probably build it themselves. But they chose not to … quite likely for a good reason.

So, what’s crucial when looking with your customer’s eyes?

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The simple words habit

The more you know about something, the harder it gets to speak about that thing in simple terms, right? Well, unless you’ve committed to the

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Keep it small

Meetings have a bad reputation as time wasters. That’s not going to magically improve when we transition to online meetings. It’s even harder to coordinate

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

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