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What would you do instead?

Werner Herzog on bad films:

The bad films have taught me most about filmmaking. Seek out the negative definition. Sit in front of a film and ask yourself, “Given the chance, is this how I would do it?” It’s a never-ending educational experience, a way of discovering in which direction you need to take your own work and ideas.

“Given the chance, is this how I would do it?”

It’s easy to complain about the things we dislike. It’s much better to take them as an opportunity to learn.

Why do I find this piece so boring? Why doesn’t the website resonate? Why is that diagram so confusing?

But more importantly, given the chance, what would I do instead?

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That was quick

Among the things that frequently surprise my clients is the speed at which we arrive at results. Anna once said: “I am not sure how

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Applause is seductive

Getting applause for your talk and having an impact are two very different goals for a presentation. A good round of applause feels great. That’s

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What matters most?

Short reminder: If you don’t decide on what matters most, you’re effectively delegating that decision to your audience. What’s your focus for today?

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