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What to build

There are things that everybody needs but nobody wants.

And there are things that everybody wants but nobody needs.

Both might earn us a fortune but both are hard to find and it’s highly unlikely that the thing that we’re building is in one of these categories.

Then, there are things that are really cool but that nobody wants and nobody needs. In fact, there are lots of things in this category.

It’s much easier to find and build but super frustrating because it will rather burn a fortune than earn one.

But this might work: To build useful things that some people love because they need it and want it. And when we build that thing, all we need to do with our communication is to tell the truth.

What are you building?

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Focus: excellent

Now Taylor knows. And can act accordingly. She took my self-assessment and uncovered her core strength: focus, being able to cut to the core. She

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If time runs out …

If time runs out, we tend to switch our attention to what’s urgent. But it’s precisely then when it matters most to focus on what’s

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Heard and understood

The art of communicating is less about making yourself heard and understood than about making your audience feel heard and understood. The distinction of great

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