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What if they’re right?

What if your customer is right in choosing the competition?

What if your team is right in being skeptical about the strategy shift?

What if your website visitor is right in not clicking the call-to-action button?

The answer to these questions might not be to try harder or shout louder. After all, it might very well be that the team has a point. Or that the customer is looking from a slightly different angle than you thought they would.

Most people ask “How can we make the customer choose us?” But turning it around to the more useful question above, we force ourselves to change our perspective and walk in their shoes.

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Being right

It’s easy to win forgiveness for being wrong; being right is what gets you into real trouble. – Bjarne Stroustrup As a leader, it’s your

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Focus: excellent

Now Taylor knows. And can act accordingly. She took my self-assessment and uncovered her core strength: focus, being able to cut to the core. She

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