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This tip will make you millions

Without further ado, here it is:

Build a great product and sell it for a profit!

Of course, the hard part is:

  • to actually build it because it’s nothing more than an idea before you do.
  • to make it great because we already have enough good products. Why should we care for another one if it doesn’t solve a problem, serve a need or right a wrong that matters to us strongly and does so in a way that’s not available 100 times?
  • to make it a product rather than a bundled bunch of features, one that has a name and a story that people will want to talk about because if they can’t then how will they know that it’s for them?
  • to sell it rather than just putting it on the shelf because you don’t have a business until you make a consistent stream of sales – offering something is not the same thing as making it irresistible.
  • to make a profit with your product because you won’t be able to serve your customers if your business is not sustainable.

Put in other words: Reports about a shortcut to success could not be confirmed.

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