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Public thinking

The world of tech is messy and noisy. Trends come so fast and disappear so quickly that it’s hard to understand what’s really going on, which trends matter (and why), and most importantly, what will happen next.

Benedict Evans does the hard work for us. He digs deep so we don’t have to and explains his findings in a weekly newsletter which goes out to more than 170,000 subscribers.

Although the newsletter is basically like a mini magazine, his marketing couldn’t be more different from magazines. No flashy ads and no espresso machine for subscribing. Evans markets by making his thinking public.

On Twitter and in his blog, he tells true stories about what he’s currently thinking about. People know exactly what they subscribe to. Which is precisely what makes them subscribe. Evans trusts them with that decision.

This makes him a role model for the Leaders Light the Path approach. Here’s the manifesto if you want to become one, too.

How to reply when a new life is calling

This is part 4 of the series on leaders who light the path – a group of extraordinary people doing work that matters. All of them have been pioneers in going through my new masterclass “Leaders Light the Path” which will open to the public this fall.

Disco is the founder of Labyrinths Journeys and helps people start a new chapter in their life.

When a new life is calling it often comes with doubts and uncertainties. Will this work? Should I really go for it? What will my peers think? Where should I even start?

Disco empowers you to overcome these uncertainties. He lights his clients a path that leads them to live the life that fits to who they truly are.

In this interview, we’ve spoken about what’s holding people back – and why. But most importantly, about what to say and do when a new life is calling. Read Disco’s fascinating story here.

After he took my masterclass, Disco told me that he was able to focus his message to a degree that made him wake up in the morning feeling excited and constantly thinking about how to share it with more people. If you want to experience the same, I would love for you to consider joining the first public edition of the “Leaders Light the Path” masterclass. It launches October, 26th.

Helping women get the career they deserve

This is part 3 of the series on leaders who light the path – a group of extraordinary people doing work that matters. All of them have been pioneers in going through my new masterclass “Leaders Light the Path” which will open to the public this fall.

Let’s face it: We’re still miles away from getting close to equality for women in corporate careers. Phaedra Romney has taken on no smaller task than to change that.

If you look a little bit closer at the advice that’s out there, one can get the impression that still, mostly the advice is for women to become more like men. Weird, to say the least.

Phaedra has a different approach. She doesn’t want women to hide behind a façade or have to compete on men’s terms, but instead embrace who they are. Her “Ally in a Corner” program is designed to do exactly that: By building a community of like-minded, ambitious women she helps women get the support they need to get the career they deserve.

In our Interview, I’ve spoken with Phaedra about what’s still wrong after so many years and how a better path for ambitious women might look like. Read her fascinating story.

After she took my masterclass, Phaedra told me that she feels so empowered because she found her voice and the courage to trust in it. She said it gave her wings. If you want to experience the same, I would love for you to consider joining the first public edition of the “Leaders Light the Path” masterclass. It launches October, 26th.

Uncovering your uniqueness

As if there hadn’t been enough challenges for businesses already, such as digitisation, climate change and many more, the last year brought an even bigger disruption: the pandemic. It disrupted many business models with long term consequences.

To better understand what businesses need to do to be able to adapt to these changing conditions, Prof. Tim Bruysten and his team conducted the “future study” – an extensive effort with hundreds of businesses and leaders from a wide range of different industries.

One of the most surprising findings for me was that while many companies believe that there is some kind of uniqueness to them, only 4% – one out of 25 – believes that their customers get what this uniqueness is.

I wanted to dig deeper here and invited Tim as a guest to the “Leaders Who Light The Path” series. Tim is the founder of richtwert which helps businesses prepare for the future by gaining clarity about who they truly are, what makes them special and how they can build trust from that uniqueness. We talked extensively about why that is and how a better path might look like for these companies.

Read the full interview to learn more about the fascinating outcomes of the future study here.

PS: This interview is part of the “Leaders Who Light The Path” series. If you’d like to suggest a leader to be interviewed, please get in touch.

The path to engaging online meetings

This is part 2 of the series on leaders who light the path – a group of extraordinary people doing work that matters. All of them have been pioneers in going through my new masterclass “Leaders Light the Path” which will open to the public this fall.

Jobien Hekking is the founder and CEO of Brainy Bunch. Brainy Bunch’s mission is to help organisations run online meetings that achieve much higher levels of effectiveness and which, at the same time, are much more enjoyable.

Yes, you’ve read that right. Enjoyable!

In this interview, we’re speaking about how that’s possible by tapping into the creativity and potential of every single participant in an online meeting in order to increase the level of energy and effectiveness of online meetings to unprecedented levels.

Jobien’s passion and energy to help organisations achieve this is infectious. She lives and breathes online meetings. Her level of expertise and dedication is unmatched by anyone else I know.

Read her fascinating story in the second interview of the “Leaders who light the path” series.

PS: If you’d like to boost your marketing just like Jobien did, I’d love you to consider joining the public launch of my masterclass this fall. Get more information here.

Building a community on trust

This is the first in a series on leaders who light the path, a group of extraordinary people doing work that matters. All of them have been pioneers in going through my new masterclass “Leaders Light the Path” which will open to the public this fall.

David Hamilton-Jones is the founder of CompareTheCampervan which makes it easy to find information on campervan building companies in the UK. His vision for the newly launched platform is nothing short of redefining what a review site can be. I’ve spoken with David about this vision and how he plans to make it happen. (Read the full interview here.)

Just by looking into David’s eyes you can sense his sheer passion for his venture. Listening to him when he speaks, you immediately feel that he means every word he says. And so, when he speaks about the importance of trust, there’s zero doubt that he deeply believes it when he says:

Trust is at the heart of any thriving community.

That’s why he’s building his new platform CompareTheCampervan on this one guiding principle of trust.

Like any other industry, it’s super-hard to find reliable information on campervans. Review sites often can’t be trusted for many reasons and community forums are often full of trolls and bots. But David has set out to prove that a better community exists. One that’s built on trust. One that provides information you can rely on. One that welcomes and values the contribution of each member, builds on their experiences, and supports each other.

Read his fascinating story in the first interview of the new “Leaders who light the path” series.

PS: If you’d like to find the same level of clarity that David got from the masterclass, I’d love you to consider joining the public launch this fall. Get notified here.

Spread the Word

Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz