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Simple words

I’m not impressed when someone uses complex words. I’m impressed when they can say complex things with simple words.

That’s what differentiates leaders who light the path. They are the ones who invest the time to find those simple words. So that the team (or the customer) can see what they need to see.

Which is far more valuable than to brag about how eloquent they are.

It’s invaluable to be the one who invests that time when no-one else does.

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Prioritizing is a pain.

But only when it’s about you. In fact, it’s often super easy to do for others. When we listen to someone explain their struggles, we

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How do you measure the success of your talk? There were standing ovations? There were no questions?There were many questions? Your boss liked it?Your colleagues

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The polite audience

Have you ever sat in a totally boring presentation but ended up clapping your hands anyway? Clearly, the applause wasn’t well deserved but you clapped

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Daily insights on
The Art of Communicating

Find the right words and
make a bigger impact!!
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