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Shoutout to the hidden leaders

Linda’s there when you need someone who listens.

Marie’s the first one in the office, every morning.

Robert never forgets a birthday.

Susan asks the questions that no one else dares to ask.

Pete says “no” when noone else would.

Ryan connects people with his brilliant way of enchanting us.

Taylor always knows a link to a site where you can find out more.

Nathan has the prototype setup before others even start.

Kylie puts into words what we all mean but somehow couldn’t find the words.

There are many ways to lead. Obvious ways and not so obvious. Loud ones and silent ones. With and without a title.

It’s a good habit to appreciate the non-obvious ways, the small and the silent. The one’s who make our team roll, yet don’t get the praise as often as they should.

Today’s a good day (as is any other day) to say thank you to a hidden leader.

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