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Living a life worth telling

“Great stories happen to people who tell them.” – Ira Glass

Ok, you might not have climbed the Mount Everest. And you might not have travelled 50 countries in 100 days.

But almost certainly you changed someone’s life. Or even just your own.

Let us hear how it happened. Tell us what changed for you. And why?

That’s really all it takes to tell a great story. It’s just not true that we’ve got to wait for something spectacular to happen to us before we can tell a great story. Quite the opposite. It’s that we need to open our eyes so that we can see the extraordinary in the ordinary.

The biggest difference between great storytellers and those who think they have no story to tell is not that the former have a more spectacular life. Sure, some do, but most don’t. It’s that the former just tell us about the things they see when they open their eyes while others keep their mouth shut … unsure whether what they see would be worth telling others about.

You know what? If you don’t tell us about it, we won’t know.

All the stories that have never been told are all the stories that will never impact anyone’s life.

It’s best to start right away. Share with us something that happened to you yesterday.

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