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It’s complex

“My idea is complex, I can’t possibly leave this aspect out or that. I mean, what if someone misses the thing I’d leave out? It could just cost me the deal.”

Which is probably true! You might miss out on some opportunities. You might leave money on the table.

If the message gets through, that is. Because that’s what’s at stake. The fuzzier your messaging and the harder it is for your audience to pinpoint what it is that you want them to know, the harder it gets to have anything stick – let alone the right thing.

Audiences love focus. You shouldn’t be afraid of focus. You should be afraid of lack of focus.

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Dealing with bullshit

There’s the truth. There are lies. And there’s bullshit. To the bullshitter, the appeal of bullshit is that it doesn’t care about true and false.

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The Art of Communicating

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