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Handcrafted plates

Plates used to be handmade. Today, almost all plates are machine made. Most people are just fine with this but some still care for handcrafted plates.

The same will probably soon be true for copywriting. Or any writing, for that matter.

Just like with plates there’s nothing wrong with this. Machine made plates work fine. In fact, in many regards they are superior to handmade plates. More so, machines allow us to make things that no human could make.

And yet, there’s value in the knowledge that something is handcrafted. It’s just that most people won’t really care.

Which means that understanding your audience and getting clarity about what they really do care about will be a very useful insight to help determine what place AI should have in your communication.

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Recently, I saw two concerts at a festival. One started with a 3 minute explanation of what we were about to hear: That this was

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