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First slowly, then very fast

When you have clarity about your current position and about where you’re headed, you are much better equipped to travel fast – you can do what you need to do with much more confidence and many decisions even make itself when you know the path you’re on.

The problem is that it feels slow at first. Sometimes painfully slow when you’re looking left and right at your competition who’s already moving fast while you haven’t even started, yet. Because you’re still reflecting, focussing, and refining.

Yet, when you finally start, you’re going to be even faster. And stay on track while the competition needs to adjust course, slowing them down even further.

More often than not it’s a marathon. It’s not about who gets the fastest start.

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The final hurdle

Too many great ideas, products, and projects fail at the final hurdle if the pitch doesn’t convince the decision maker. This is kind of frustrating

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