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Every thing is made by someone

Every thing has been invented, designed, engineered, produced, marketed, and distributed by someone.

The clothes you wear.
The bike you ride.
The music you listen to.
The book you read.
The painting you admire.
The house you live in.
The fridge you just opened.
The chocolate you love.

One of the things that are very important to my wife and me in how we raise our children is that they see this very clearly.

Things are made. By someone. And that someone could be you.

If you want something to exist, set out to make it.

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Bad presentation jokes

It’s a beloved coffee break activity at conferences and in between meetings: Making fun of bad presentations. The funniest aspect of this, though, is that

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If you care

Here’s the deal: You deeply care about the things you do, I deeply care about the things I do. You’ve built something extraordinary, I’ll guide

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