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But this company has a much larger marketing department.

But this CEO is much more extroverted.

But our competition is backed by venture captial.

But this girl has richt parents.

And so on and so forth …

It’s easy to find reasons why things are so much easier for the others. And why it’s super hard to compete with them.

But it is what it is.

Instead of complaining about the things that we don’t have, it’s much better to focus on the things that we do have. The irony is that it might just be what our competition envies us for.

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If only I had known this

In hindsight, it’s often not that difficult to see what you should have done differently. Of course, this couldn’t work. Of course, they would be

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We need more structure

Maybe you do. But maybe you need something else. Like, for example, clarity. The two are not to be confused. Many websites are well structured.

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The clarity river

The word “clarity” invites a binary view on the matter: Either you have clarity or not. But that’s hardly how it works in real life.

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