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Clarity ≠ Minimalism

Clarity makes complex things feel simple.

That’s not the same as removing things to make them simpler. Clarity is about making them more accessible.

Often, it actually means adding things … 

… to your story, using examples, metaphors or anecdotes that translate a concept into our audience’s domain so that it’s easier for our audience to get what we mean.

… to your slide deck, bringing it from 1 difficult to decipher slide to 20 easy to understand slides.

… to your process, visualizing what each step is for.

… to your experience, amassing years of working with something.

… and many more.

Clarity feels minimal but it’s often quite the opposite.

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Cutting through the noise

It’s not about being the loudest voice in your space; it’s about being the voice that cuts through the noise. Surprisingly often that’s the calm

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If all else fails, try humor

You’re in a meeting room, the air is thick with unease, everyone’s on edge. It’s a heated debate and emotions fly high. Basically, everyone’s waiting

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