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How far will you go when you know that you’re doing the right thing?

If you’re absolutely sure that something would be the right thing to do but you also knew that it’s against the norm, then would you still do it?

If you were forbidden to do it, would you still do it?

Even if you knew that it would cost you $250.000?

Well, George Lucas did.

He knew that it was the right thing to do to leave out the credits for Star Wars at the beginning and only show it at the end. He knew that he needed to drag the audience right into the story. That he couldn’t afford to miss a second of their attention.

It cost him $250.000. Movies were required to credit the director at the beginning if they showed any name at all (which Star Wars its sequels did because the Lucasfilm logo was present).

Lucas refused.

He had to pay a fine of $250.000 and left the Guild.

Because he knew that it was the right thing to do.

How far will you go when you know that you’re doing the right thing?

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz