The refrain

Think about “We Will Rock You” by Queen.

Got it?

Ok! By now, you’re probably hearing the refrain in your mind.

It’s unforgettable, isn’t it? Which is the thing about hits. Almost every hit has an unforgettable refrain.

That line that’s simple, strong, and repeated over and over again.

Start to sing that line and everyone around will quickly join in.

It captures the whole song in just a few words.

The verses, on the other hand, fill in the details. (For example, in the case of “We Will Rock You” life as a child, a young adult, and an old man.)

Now compare that to communication where we often end up with only verses. When we announce the new initiative or report results, we give context, details, and explanations. All important things, sure, but who remembers that?

What’s missing is the refrain. In most business communication, there is no refrain – that line that captures the essence: clear, strong, memorable … and repeated until it clicks like a hit!

When you communicate an idea, do you have a refrain? Something that anchors all the details? Clear, memorable, easy to share and sing along?

Or is it more like stitched-together verses?

Finding your refrain might be the difference between a message that’s heard once and one that becomes unforgettable.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz