Repetition leads to mastery

The boring truths are often the most helpful truths. Such as this one:
Repetition leads to mastery.

As boring as it sounds, it’s true. And helpful.

For communication just as much as elsewhere.

If you see a brilliant speaker, it’s likely that this is their thousandth speech, not their first, and they were getting better with each repetition.

If you hear an inspiring message, it’s likely that it has been focused and refined a hundred times from what might have started as a confusing mess.

If you hear a compelling story, it’s likely that it has been tweaked, focused and restructured another hundred times from what might have started as a boring, overloaded, unfunny anecdote.

All of which is a rather long way of saying please don’t shy away from repetition.

Even if it feels boring to you. Even if you’re tired of repeating a message.
That’s often when it starts getting good.

Repetition leads to mastery.

It’s, I think, what separates the pro from the amateur.

The amateur is quickly tired from their message.
They focus on the new and exciting (to them).
And occasionally, it’s a gem that gets others excited, too.
They are quick to move on to the next gem.

Pros approach this differently.
They have an urge to dig deeper, beyond the new.
To keep refining, beyond the obvious.
To perfect the message. Master the craft.
And repeatedly, they create gems that get people excited.

Perhaps more importantly: They keep repeating even after they did nail it.
They zero in on the gem they’ve created.
They give it a chance of earning a spot in their audience’s hearts.

Still, they stick with it.
Refine the delivery.
Adapt it to changing times.
Refresh it.
Remix it.
Play it live.

With each repetition, the story gets better, the message gets stronger.
With each repetition, they become a better communicator.

Repetition leads to mastery.

Imagine what it could do for your communication!

Spread the Word

Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz