The point of a presentation

What’s the point of a presentation if not to lead your audience to see something they didn’t see before?

Why even go through the hassle of preparing a presentation plus gathering everyone in a room if there’s nothing to see?

So many presentations fail because they don’t ask the questions that follow from this:

  1. What actually is that thing that you need your audience to see?
  2. Why don’t they see it already?
  3. What do they see?

When you have answers to these questions, you can build a path from where they are now to where they can see what you need them to see.

To me, the ultimate goal of a presentation is to lead your audience to the point of no return, a point where you’ve shown it to them in such a profound way that they can’t unsee it anymore.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz