I want it done this way

I’m not interested in how things are usually done. I want it done this way.

– Werner Herzog

It’s a favorite complaint in many companies. Doing something a certain way just because we’ve always done it that way, is a bad reason for doing that thing.

But, so is doing it differently just because it’s different from how we have always done it.

First of all, there might very well be a reason for why we’re doing it like that. So, when you demand a different way, are you sure that you see the full picture?

More importantly, when Werner Herzog said that he wanted it done this way, he knew exactly *what* he wanted. And what he wanted to get out of doing it this particular way. He had a very clear vision of the result and the will to make it happen.

Can you answer these questions confidently and concisely?

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz