A better future

Great salespeople show us a better future. They make us see that there’s a gap between what we have got now and what we could have in the future.

They make us want that future.

The difference between selfish and honest salespeople is that the former doesn’t care whether a path exists between the now and the future they paint us.

Which is why their promise can be bolder, their future even brighter.

In fact, if all you care for is the quick deal, the best thing you can do is to paint the brightest future that’s not totally unbelievable.

It’s what bullshitters do all the time.

Things are different, when you care for your customer to actually achieve what you promise. Then you can’t bullshit.

But that means that you need to work extra hard to paint a credible and true picture of a possible future that’s just as attractive as the fake picture of the selfish salespeople.

It means that we need to work extra hard on bold promises that we can confidently keep and then tell true stories about it that resonate deeply with what matters to our audience.

PS: If you struggle, let’s talk: https://michaelgerharz.com/coaching

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Dr. Michael Gerharz