Uncovering your uniqueness

As if there hadn’t been enough challenges for businesses already, such as digitisation, climate change and many more, the last year brought an even bigger disruption: the pandemic. It disrupted many business models with long term consequences.

To better understand what businesses need to do to be able to adapt to these changing conditions, Prof. Tim Bruysten and his team conducted the “future study” – an extensive effort with hundreds of businesses and leaders from a wide range of different industries.

One of the most surprising findings for me was that while many companies believe that there is some kind of uniqueness to them, only 4% – one out of 25 – believes that their customers get what this uniqueness is.

I wanted to dig deeper here and invited Tim as a guest to the “Leaders Who Light The Path” series. Tim is the founder of richtwert which helps businesses prepare for the future by gaining clarity about who they truly are, what makes them special and how they can build trust from that uniqueness. We talked extensively about why that is and how a better path might look like for these companies.

Read the full interview to learn more about the fascinating outcomes of the future study here.

PS: This interview is part of the “Leaders Who Light The Path” series. If you’d like to suggest a leader to be interviewed, please get in touch.

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Picture of Dr. Michael Gerharz

Dr. Michael Gerharz